Sunday 31 October 2010

Day 40 - Vermeer's Birthday

Okay Okay! Vermeer's Birthday is actually on the 41st day of the blog, but today the skies were so fitting that I simply had to write about it.

Read on after the jump.....

As many of you know, or have realised in the last couple of days, I have stopped blogging for a short while. I have been taking pictures every day since the last post, but the posting is a but much at the moment. I simply have more important matters at hand to deal with.
Today was no exception except for that the skies were amazing! I looked at the setting-sun skies and immediately told everyone to look up at the really Vermeer-like colours. Vermeer is a great influence for many a photographer for both lighting and skies. And what made it even more special is the fact that it was the eve of Vermeer's birthday (16-10-1632) and it felt like the world was paying a tribute to his work by displaying such wonderful skies at sun set.

1 comment:

  1. Hi there,

    It's been a long time since my last comment on your blog, but then again I had good reason to be busy with other pressing issues ;) This day, however, I decided to be in a mood to give a comment. I really like the sunset in the second picture, though I think the "vermeer-like colours" are more apparent in the sky of the first picture (especially the yellowish colour).

