Tuesday 19 October 2010

Day 26 - Cardbox Car

No really lengthy story today, just some pics I ran across when I was walking around Mill while on camp with the Youth Choir I play the piano at.

I saw the car and loved the sight of it :)
 Whipped out my Hipstamatic and presto :)

Slightly more after the jump........

Not that much later I saw my own shadow on a red-brick wall and decided to take a photo of it.
I know it is somewhat of a cliché, but I have never before made such a photo, so I took it anyway.
It's always good to take cliché photos for that is how you learn a lot in my honest opinion

Hope you like the photos :)

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely love the colours in the first picture! Het geeft precies de juiste sfeer van de scene weer.
    And am I correct if I say I spot some rules of thirds there? c;

    And about the second one, you should try making shadow pictures enprofil some time. It's amazing what you can do with a shadow then ^_^
