Tuesday 12 October 2010

Day 21 - Smoke 'em if you got them

Smoke 'em if you got them. You used to hear this a lot in film, back in the days when it was still cool or at least normal to smoke.
Don't get me wrong I am all for the banning of smoking from public places, but it always had a cool ring to it.
And to be fair, I have said it probably once or twice to often *ashamed look*

Well I reckon that the same was said to this man who was working on one of the town centre's stores.

More after the jump.....

Nothing special

First of I want to let you know that I have done absolutely nothing to this photo. Normally I only adjust some few degrees in colour temperature (long story, we'll get to it somewhere in the near future) and some contrast change, but that's it. I am rather proud of the fact that I almost never have to change the exposure (how light or dark something is) settings for just a half a year ago I did that constantly. Yeey, I learned something :) Oh yeah, some cutting I of course do from time to time, as you can see above, because my camera cannot make 1x1 (a square photo, also called 6x6) photos, plus I only see 96% of the actual photo through my viewfinder (the thing you look through, not the screen) so sometimes I cut something off. But I am babbling on and on, and should get back on topic.

As with all photos this one isn't altered in any other way except the cutting. And that is what I want you to comment on. The photo to the right is not the exact same photo (almost though) but in a 2x3 format, and I would like to ask you to say which you like best and why. So the one on top or this one to the right? And why?

To finish up the 'nothing special' header of this little prattle of a post.
If I have said it once I have said it numerous times. I like 'street' photography, and although I have a long way to go, I still like my eye in the streets. I like the fact that I see something not altogether special, but which looks rather 'special' or good when seen on screen.
This photo as well, doesn't really show anything special, but I still like it.

Let me know what you think.


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