Friday 1 October 2010

Day 11 - Fighting my way Through

"What's in a name? That which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet."

As most of you will know, that line is by the great bard himself, ladies and gentlemen, Mr William Shakespeare. (Applause, the crowd is going wild, women are throwing underwear on stage and men are fainting)

Before you jump on, please take a second to think about the photo and what you think it's about.

More after the jump.....

When you have nothing to say

I can hear some of you thinking; what? Alex who has nothing to say????? Is the world coming to an end?" Well no, but today was a bad day for photography, or at least for me! I have spent the entire day (or at least most of it, because I spent a large part of it in bed recovering from last night) thinking of what to take a photo of.
The thing is, the weather wasn't really good and a friday afternoon is not the best of times to do some streetphotography. So I had/wanted to shoot inside, but I was absolutely left feeling completely blank creativity wise.
I even asked some friends to help out on the shots. Most of the ideas were good, although suited more for tommorow, and one really good idea came to late to shoot before I had to go to work.

What's in a name?

I simply felt as if I was swimming against a strong current, fighting my way through the day, to come up with something creative. In the end I reshot (I sort of shot this photo as an idea frame a week ago) this picture of two blokes going at it bare knuckle style and I thought it perfectly depicted my day in one shot.

So in the I ended up with a photo that didn't tell a story in itself, but which perfectly underlined my day today. So what's in a name? Nothing much I reckon, but at least I know that a name doesn't always tell you everything as I hope today's picture has shown you.


  1. After a bad day yesterday, how did the photography go today?

  2. Haha, well quite bad as well as you will see in a moment.
    On the bright side I have a shoot with someone today and I think we will get some really good results!!!
    I will post on that tonight :)
    Thanks for asking :)
