Thursday 7 October 2010

Day 17 - On the Road Again

I just love shooting pictures on buses, which btw is a totally confusing plural of the word bus, but more on that another time.

Like I said, I love to shoot people at bus stops or buses. They all have a strange silent contemplating look on their faces. Sadly, people don't take kindly to shoving a telephoto lens in their faces while on the bus, or don't really like the sound of a clicking shutter. Hipstamatic it is then.


Next to shooting on the bus I love to shoot BnW (Black and White). It often gives such a wicked contrast to the photo. You have to think about your contrast before shooting the frame otherwise you get a really bland photo without a real character to it. I usually have this down and luckily today was no different.

The People

Like I said, most people don't like getting photographed in public, so we do it sneaky ;)
Like this bloke I am sitting right next to him, but he didn't notice it for I think he thought I was shooting through the window instead of him with the window in the background. I really like this photo although I have no idea why yet! Let me hear your opinions. It's just something about it (Movie title: "There is something about this Asian guy on the bus")

Then we have this girl. I'm not really sure if she realised I was photographing her, but I just loved the fact that she is the only one facing me in the photograph. It seems as if she's looking my way, but I can't be sure. I also like how dark everything is in somesort of circle around her seat.
All in all, I really like this photo too, although I understand a lot better why it is.

Well, that was my (short) post of the day, but for the first time in the history of this blog (all 17 days of it ;)  ) I actually posted a Thursday on a Thursday! That has to be worth something.

Just drop me a line in the comment section below and let me know what you think of the photos of Day 17.

Oh and for I forget! Don't forget to vote in the poll that is on the right upper side of the page. I'd really like to hear what you think about that.

1 comment:

  1. Pictures in the bus or any public place are just amazing for the imagination! =D Everyone ssees something different in them or interpret them differently.

    Seeing these two pictures my head is making up more and more stories about the people in them. What are they doing there, why are they there and where are they going? The answers range from a date to a robbery. From going to school to going to a meeting place with aliens xD

    I would love to see more pictures like this!
