Wednesday 6 October 2010

Day 16 - Shots of Painted Light

I actually had two ideas for the photo of today and one of those I'm keeping for tomorrow, but the other one was LightPainting.
And since most of you reacted really enthousiastic to the lightpaintings I did earlier last week, and some of you asked for more.

But, and I said it before, it isn't as easy as it looks!

It turns out I suck at it

Yeahyeaheah, I know, I've bummed on myself a couple of times before on this blog, but usually it's true! And today it again turned out that I'm not really an artist with freeforms such as drawing :D or drawing I can somewhat, but painting is what's difficult for me.
Luckily I got it down on the Tech side so let me be the canvas, model, and easel, and let the rest be the painters :)
Although I suck at the painting side I'm definitely keeping this up, because I/we am/are getting better at it. My friends at the painting and me in posing and thinking of how to move and stand and stuff (that were a lot of ands :S ).
Today you can have a look at some new stuff we tried in the living room.

Up top you see my room mate driving a car, and to the right you can see my gf overcooking and steam coming out of her ears (I shouldn't have bought that €5000 camera last month ;) ), but the bottom photo started our little film.
You see me in my long overcoat and hat shooting a gun and some kind of bullets coming out of the pistol.

The Film

The way you make a film with just pictures is to take a amazing amount of them and paste them one after another on a film reel (luckily I use digital but the idea is the same). The difficult thing is that you have to make slight changes in posture of the models every single shot, and those changes have to be small enough so you won't notice them in a film, but not to small, because those would take an amaaaaaaazing amount of time more, and is incredibly hard to do. Keep in mind that every photo takes a 20 second exposure time, and that's without checking posture and checking the results. So about at least a minute per two photos.
Well we did a ten frame film that doesn't even take a full second so you know about the painstaking work it is going to be to do a 30 second film (a project that is coming up). But the results are sooo cool, or at least in my opinion :D
Just have a look at the reaaaaally short film below!


  1. The guy that did the drawing with the flashlight isn't very good in my honest opinion....


  2. Haha unless ronnie is Kaspar this guy is actually the one who did the drawing himself. Ignore him if you like ;) e will prob be on big project as well :)

  3. First thing: Thank you for lifting my mood! Homework can be such a downer, but when I saw this entry... =D Nice!

    Amazing what you can do with light!

  4. Nope... that's not me ;) Stop using my nickname "Ronnie" it's confusing :P Very nice pictures!
    Keep up the good work,


  5. @ K

    thanks for clearing that up ;)
    Ronnie is the guy in the first photo :)
    Thanks for the comment!
