Friday 1 October 2010

Day 10 - Dried Up Bodies

Rain Again today.
I love the Winter, but I could easily go without Fall!

Bloody, bloody, bloody rain!! I could easily do without.

Let it rain at times I don't want to photograph stuff outside!

Ah well, photography works pretty well inside as well


And again with the Hipstamatic, I hear myself thinking as I shoot my cameras, I need to do something with it except just shoot them. This was mostly the reason behind the larger 1x1 photo you see now. Hipstamatic is incredibly cool, but I don't want to overexpose you to it, so a little change in venue was in order. The photos I took with my iPhone are simply lit by a simple DayLight video lamp of a 1000watts blasting up at the ceiling in a small study. Nice & Toasty, yes?

One other cool thing about the app is that you can shake the iPhone and you'll get a random setting of lens and film in the app, so you get random results out of the 'developing' stage. I simply shook my iPhone a couple of times, chose the best shots, and put everything together in Photoshop.

Titles, titles, titles

Not long ago someone told me that it works for a lot of people to have a title going with each photo, for it gives people a chance to think along the same lines as I did when taking them.
Bodies Hanging to Dry comes from a couple of things.
First you need to know that the camera itself (whether a SLR or DSLR), without the lens attached to it, is called a body, and secondly that I tend to have a slightly Dahlish frame of mind. And with Dahlish I mean slightly morbid and unexpected in the end. This hasn't really come into the photos yet, but we'll get there when we get there.

Enough of the babbling, over to the idea of the photo.

I was sitting at my desk and I saw my camera's laying there and I suddenly realised that they were called bodies, and I thought how weird that sentence would be out of context. "I have a couple of dried up bodies laying on my desk". Pretty weird if you would say that to some non-photographer, wouldn't you think?
Then I started thinking of a nasty way to have actual bodies (as in human) stored in your house, and I must admit that having several human beings hanging to dry in my house would specify as completely bonkers, at least it would in my book.

So I hung up my bodies and started taking pics with the iPhone. I did rather like them, but something was missing and I had the picture in my head of them all together in one big frame, so I tried it out. It worked out in my opinion ;)

The rest of the title, the dried up bit, has to do with two things.
First, if you want to preserve meat you bleed it dry, and you would probably do the same with humans if you were so inclined.
Second, it was raining outside, and when it's raining it tends to happen that you're bodies (camera bodies here again guys and gals) dry up a bit, instead of getting slightly wet, something that at least my D200 (type of camera) can certainly take.
Ahh well, all photographers are made of sugar certainly, except for Joe McNally, who is a bad ass photog who will get the best results with a model even in the poring rain.

Okay I have been going on for way too long now about this.

Hope you like the photo, and whether you do or don't, drop me a line in the comment section below!


  1. You creepy fellow! xD

    And I'm only this far -holds fingers bit apart- from commenting on the missing day c;

  2. Heeey, there is no missing day :) I took that pic yesterday, and that's what it is all about :) Okay I posted it a day later, but that's allowed :)
    I thought you would welcome one day without my spamming ;)
    Thanks for commenting anyway ;)
