Wednesday 13 October 2010

Day 23 - Suit Up!

And there we were, Wednesday the 23th of the 10th month, International Suit Up day :D If you don't know what it is to suit up, then shame on you. Naaaah, just a day that all men should go in suit the entire day, and to the great delight of several ladies, some of us did so today :)
I of course wore a suit today for I am a devout worshipper of Neill Patrick Harris.
Long story short, today was Legen - wait for it - dary!

More after the ever awesome jump!

Please don't mind all the spelling errors and mistakes in syntax I made today, will correct shortly

Future Teachers

The guys you see here today, all suited-up, are to be the future teachers of English of your children, or maybe even granchildren. How scary is that? I know ;)
Naah, I kid, these guys are the good guys and I have faith in them. Today they as well went along with the suit-up day and after I was done giving them a presentations on the dangers of studying in GB (alcoholism jumps to mind) I had maybe 4 minutes left to set up my light and do some shots. I squeezed off about 21 shots before we were forcibly removed by some scrawny tit (I of course mean the bird here) of a  teacher. Yeah, we may look tough, but we aren't. Some of the shots worked out really well, and some not so much, but seeing the time I had to work with, I am still really pleased with the end results.
On the normal colour photos I worked the contrast rather hard, for the setting was far from perfect, as was the lighting and different from usual I used some gradient filters for exposure (making the photo gradually lighter or darker from one end to another). Well I allowed myself this little freedom from my regular ways because of the time pressure.

Deviating even further

Right, some time ago I made a bold statement to myself that I wouldn't do too much Post Prod for noncommercial work. I need to be able to do as much as possible in camera. A great thing to hold on to, but in some cases it's just better to change stuff, simply to get the image to a higher level.
As was the case with these photos.
I didn't particularly like the results I had gotten and saw so much room for change that I almost chucked them out. I started working on them when it comes to filters and I found two filters I really liked for these faces.
I think the grainy BnW does really well with Nico's (hey, I got your name right) look and posture. It gives a sweet and easy look to it.

Tim's look and the way he was standing there, made me wanna give him a really old photo look. So I used a filter to give me this old photo paper look. I think it goes really well with this photo.
Sadly his collar was askew but, with the time pressure I had to roll with the punches!

(He does look like a slick businessman from the 60's doesn't he :) )

Oh lest I forget! I almost didn't discuss Etienne's Photo, which is the one on top.
Sorry to the rest of the guys, but that is absolutely my fav pic of the day! I am actually considering putting it in my portfolio. The look is there, it's finished, no need for more work on it, press yes and go. Plus I really love the light! Don't know how it happened, but Etienne did something right, right there and then, for I did not give him any direction *makes mental note to ask Etienne if he wants to do a shoot*.

Once again guys, you all did great, and I thank you for the photos.
I have some for you and those will come to you personally!

Well as usual I would like to as you what you think of the photos, and which is your favourite :)
Let me know in the comment section below!



  1. I love it! Let's make it monthly instead of annual

  2. Alex!

    First of all, I really wanted to thank you for the presentation you gave today! It was by faaaaaarr the most informative placement abroad meeting so far, I mean that.

    Second, thanks for the amazing photos man! I really like the group shot because it is probably one of the only photos in which I have a serious expression on my face. Also, you did a real nice editing job on that one! I must say, though, that I don't really like the single shot of me. Not because of your skills but because of that stupid smirk on my face ;) I barely ever like a picture of myself.

    But once more, thanks a lot for the pictures and the presentation.

    If you plan on e-mailing me the other pictures, my address is (I know, I know, it's a stupid address. I still have it from years ago)

    Oh, and on your idea of a shoot: Really? you think so? if you do, I'm game and you know how to contact me ;)

    See you in school,

  3. @Tim

    Monthly sounds good :)


    Thank you very much for all the praise! But it is really good to hear you
    Liked the presentation for I was somewhat insecure on that one

    As for the photos: glad you like them :)
    And well I think that smirk has something to it ;)
    Although I can get your point that it might have looked a little ether with a serious look ;)
    Yeah I think we should plan a shoot sometime and probably in the same clothes. I will contact you by mail somewhere in the coming days to set a date.
    And the rest of the photos I will work on sometime this coming week and send them over :)


  4. Legen... Wait for it... dary!!
    Thank you for using a reference to one of the best series out there <3

    Ai, now I really have to triple check my post on grammar mistakes when 4 english teachers might be reading it xD

    Just on thing on the smirk in the first picture. I kinda like it ^_^ It's probably supposed to be a serious photo, but right now it makes me smile just looking at it. I wouldn't mind if I had an english teacher like him. I bet the classes would have been so much more fun than what I've had =D

  5. Even with a triple check I made a mistake in that comment XD

  6. @ Linda

    I am more than happy to oblige :) I love the series soooo much, that deserved a post :)

    I do also agree on your opinion of the first photo (That with the smirk) of Etienne.
    It gives it somewhat more life, but I'm not sure it needed it. I want/am going to do the same pic over but then with a serious look, and we'll see what we get :)

    Oh and with regard to your spelling mistakes, we don't care ;) Your English (don't forget the capitals with countries, languages, etc.) is really good, so don't worry about it ;)

