Saturday 9 October 2010

Day 18 - A Man

Today some headshots of one of the most characteristic man I know. This is a man who has seen, heard and done so much and I used to spent great times just listening to him or telling him about me.

I coincidentally ran into him yesterday evening, and since I was packing my newly revised 1 light portrait setup with me, I couldn't let this one pass and I did a 5 minute shoot with him.

Since I haven't discussed with him whether or not who would mind being on this site, I will merely post the photos (without name) and will not divulge any more.

Just the photos today!

Slightly more after the jump....

(I asked him to give me cross look, and he told me that this is how he looks at children when he's cross with them.)

I of course like the photos, but as usual I would like to hear what you think of them! What could I have doen differently with these photos? Do you like them in BnW? What about the framing? How do you like the light? Hard/Soft? Which photo do you like better and why?
I made a lot of informed choices on this one, but I would still really like to hear you opinions! If you have questions, you can ask them below!

Oh and PS Don't forget to vote in the Poll and you can still subscribe to my blog via Mail. You will get a mail as soon as I post a new photo. Just look at the right side of the page and fill out your email address.


  1. Ik vind de eerste het mooist. Daar zit meer verhaal/beweging in. De tweede foto lijkt niet helemaal 'serieus'. Ik heb het idee dat de man zelf is afgeleid tijdens die foto. Ik vind de belichting mooi omdat de rimpels mooi geaccentueerd worden.

  2. I agree with anonymous. The first picture looks better. But I think that's because he has a more open look there. You can see his eyes more clearly c:

    Also, I'm not sure about the lightning in the second picture... The colour of the face is almost the same as the background, while in the first picture the colour of his face stands out more. I hope you get what I mean, I can't really explain it much better right now xD

    Other than that, this man has the most interesting expression I have ever seen. I just keep looking at it ^_^

  3. @ Linda

    Yeah I realise now that the lighting in the second photo created a similar shade of grey on the BG as on the face of the subject.
    That's a really good one! Thank you :D
