Sunday 3 October 2010

Day 12 - Running out of Time

Pffffff........ I am really commited to this project, but although I am only shooting in day 13 some days it is a pain in the proverbial backside.

Some days it feels like a race against the clock, especially when you have a lot to do during the day.

Read on after the jump.....

Time is of the essence

As with all things in life it is important to plan ahead in a project such as this. Sadly I am not the best planner in the world and as it turns out it shows! It shows in this project as well.
Yesterday I had a couple of ideas for photos to take, but things came up, and of course I didn't get to the photography whatsoever. Should have planned, should have planned *hits face*. Ah well at least it gave me an idea to photograph that was completely my own idea, and as you may remember I am quite lacking in the creative department.

I was thinking of something to photograph that would depict that day and all of a sudden I thought of the time running out and the clock ticking on and on closer to the 24:00.
I thought of this around 23:00, but of course forgot about it until it was almost too late.
So I ran up to the bedroom, sought frantically for the alarm clock, and was just in time to take this picture of the time running out.

Day 13

Day 13, should be a day of trouble, but I have a feeling that it is going to work out great!!!
Be sure to check in on Day 13 for the pic(s) of the day!

1 comment:

  1. Your entire entry reminds me of a song: 4 minutes of Madonna and Justin Timberlake.

    I'm out of time and I only got 4 minutes!

