Sunday 10 October 2010

Day 19 - One of those days

Day 19 was one of those days. I'm still a bit ill, but had to go to work anyhow, and in the evening I had to play the piano. So not a really productive day for photography.

As it turned out I didn't do much with it, but I am still rather proud that I made a photo in the end, and although it's not really a great picture, it still has a lot to do with photographic theory.

The rule of thirds is what we will take a look at right after the jump.

Rule of Thirds

The rule of thirds is a 'rule' in photography that tells us that we have to 'cut' imaginary lines through our photos on every third of a photo. This can either be horizontally, vertically or even diagonally. The thing is that you should put something important in the photo along those lines or within the confines of two (or more) such lines.

If you look at the photo to the right you can see that the sea only occupies 1/3 of the photo and thus goes along the horizontal lines. This is a rather simple explanation, but at least you might get a picture in your head now :) In this photo there are actually a lot more rule of thirds thingies :) Because you can even go to 9ths and stuff, but that's for another time.

I took the photo at the top because of those thirds. Just have a good look and try and find them :)

I'm off to being illish and foolish again.

See you tomorrow!

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