Wednesday 6 October 2010

Extra, Extra. Read all About it!

Hello There! As most of you know I do also have my own site on which I work on my portfolio and other projects. Recently I have uploaded my first finished series, it's called Power of Music.


Power of Music

It stars a model which you all have seen before on Day 13 and I am really pleased with it.
It wasn't a series when I shot them, that was just a spur of the moment thingy, but they turned out great.
The thing is, I believe music to be really important in my/during my work, but I had never before brought any to the shoot. This time I did and I filled an iPod with music I thought both me and the model would like.
It turned out to work great in a couple of ways. A: I had music playing that she not only liked but wasn't just loungy/chill music and most of it has a specific character or a feel of energy to it. This you sometimes need on the set. B: You make the model feel more comfortable by playing music she likes. Music is soothing, as we all know, and it gives you a familiar feeling with your surroundings although a lot may be completely out of place (such as having lights and stands and reflectors all over the place while this guy is pointing a big lens at ya and telling you what to do, in your own house even). C: And this might be the most important, I like the music, and I love music! I sing along, dance to the rhythm, and do all sorts of weird stuff while listening to music that I love. The thing I noticed was that she got more relaxed because of it (although at first she just looked at me in a weird way).

Nearing the end of the shoot I wanted to do some 3/4 shots (which means that not the entire body is on it but 3/4 of it) and I rearranged the lights. While just hanging around for a sec (you need to give your model plenty of rest during the shoot) I walked over to the iPod and went through some songs to see if I was right about her musical taste. I put on Sweet Child of Mine, by Guns'nRoses, and she loved it :) She struck a pose, and I saw what this could turn into, one of my clearer moments to be sure. I got that pose on camera, quickly rearranged the lights (they were pointed in slightly the wrong direction), went through the songs on my iPod and just tried to keep her interested and above all striking those poses and dancing/fooling around.

Well, that's the backstory on it. Now just have look on my site and drop me/us a line below about what you think of the series.
It would be great if you took a look at the titles of the photos as well, and maybe comment on them and on whether or not you see a 'line' in the photos. Can you see a sort of story in it?
Please let me know!

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