Thursday 27 October 2011

Monkey Island

 I have noticed that I like photographing a couple of things best and two of those are people and.... Monkeys. I wonder what the link ;) I have posted quite a lot about portraits and today I will show you the monkeys :D

The photo to the left I took on Peninsular Malaysia and I was just lucky to find such wonderful animals in the middle of the street in  a small village. It was even more amazing to see how the entire pack worked to protect the pack and its babes.

Read on after the jump >>>

Wednesday 26 October 2011

Some Photos, I Think....

There we go boys and girls... Today I am having a little bit of an off day. I had one of the weirdest dreams ever. It was about a terminator kind of post-apocalyptic world and I was in the smack dead middle of it. That brought me a weird waking up.

Read on after the jump >>>

Tuesday 25 October 2011

An Impromptu Beach Shoot

Last weekend we celebrated my father's 60th birthday and for that we went to The Hague and spent a night at the Hilton. Close to The Hague lies Scheveningen which is a sea side beach town. As always I brought my camera and I had decided to bring a small flash as well. I was really bummed out over the summer when I realised all the missed opportunities in France because I didn't bring a flash. 
Read on after the jump >>>

Monday 24 October 2011

Hipstaing Again

For those of you brave enough to have thought: "Ooo... Hipstamatic! I want to see some more of that!", I bid you all a very big welcome. For those of you who accidentally clicked or misread the link and are now bummed out that there is still more Hipstamatic... Ah just keep reading anyway ;) I love having you on the blog :)

As for the photo on the left, I realised that people like to see me as the blithering idiot. That in itself should probably explain the photo, doesn't it? No? Ah well...

Read on after the jump >>>

Wednesday 19 October 2011


Right guys and gals, normally I would be showing some of my own work here, but today I give you Vera! I have before blogged about her here a little while back talking in the Friends, iPhones and Hipstamatic post and today she's back.

Read on after the jump >>>

Tuesday 18 October 2011

A 70's Safari - The Tale (II)

As Bishop was looking out of his airplane window he could not help but wonder at the efficiency with which this all has been arranged for them. Within a mere ten hours from the moment the beautiful blonde walked in the door they were now sitting in a row of three off to the wilds of Borneo. And first class at that. The thing he noticed when he switched his conversation from Ludwich to the girl is that she wasn't a real blonde at all and decided to inquire about it.
Read on after the jump >>>

Monday 17 October 2011


I am still trying to get a bit better in this comic making, but it is still incredibly difficult for me. Some people have a natural knack  at thinking up good lines for these darned things, but I just don't have it. I do keep up trying though, so you will be seeing more of these in the coming months. Really curious to hear what you think of them, so if you would please reply to that in the comment section below it would be great. If you don't like them, that's okay, I just want to hear your honest opinion.

Read on >>>

Thursday 13 October 2011

A 70's Safari - The Tale

Wonderful things are to be found in the deep dark jungles of Borneo, but only for those daring and brave enough to seek them out. Deep chasms, dangerous predators, venomous spiders, blood-sucking bats and savage natives are what stand between our two protagonists and the wondrous benign wild life of that of the tropical birds, and great apes. Our tale begins when Alexander Bishop and Ludwich van Pudelstein, on a day like any other, are working in the studio. Only just in the first couple of rolls of film and they and their model are interrupted by a sharp knock on the door. As Ludwich climbs down from the scaffolding he is on where he was repositioning the lights, a rather impatient knock sounds once again. He jumps down the last few feet and calmly walks towards the door. When he is nearly there another sharp knock sounds right in his face. Even though Alexander cannot see Ludwich's face he can clearly see him getting agitated by the impatience and impertinence of this man at the door. Ludwich does not aprove of this kind of behaviour, to be sure. As he slowly opens the door he is almost hit in the face by the brut standing at the door. As he ducks and is missed by inches he recovers almost scolding when he suddenly recovers and swallows his words >>> Read on after the Jump >>>

Wednesday 12 October 2011

Back to yesteryear.

I thought it would be nice to take a look at some photos of yesteryear, and so here a three.
The guy to the left, who apparantly is trying to phone home or something rather like it, is a lightpainting shot. You can read more about this technique in a post of some time ago.
I did two posts about the lightpainting technique, one about what I call canvas painting, and one about scene lightpainting. The first is like the photo to the left, just a blank canvas of black with light painted on, where the other consists of light painted on a scene with subjects in it. A slightly more difficult technique, but immensely more fun to do. There is a third technique, but we'll discuss that later on this year.

Read on about other photos after the jump >>>

Tuesday 11 October 2011

Some film sprockets

Today some photos that are twice as wide as a normal photo. Added to that is the fact and effect of exposing the entire film including the sprocket holes in the film. Groovy effect, no?
Take a look after the jump >>>

Monday 10 October 2011

Fish Eye

Short post today.... One of the cameras I own is a Fish Eye No. 2. This 35mm camera has one fixed lens, which is a fish eye. It's quite a nice little camera, but far from my favourite. This has to do with the fact that the built-in flash wears out really fast (or at least the battery does) which results in a lot of failed photos. I ruined the first roll like that completely. Still it has some nice effects, but I reckon I should get in closer for cooler effects.

Thursday 6 October 2011


Right.... So yesterday I finally ran out of holiday photos with the favs post. This of course meant that I had to come up with something new. No more digging through old stuff, but instead shooting new pics and for once digitally. I can tell you that it has been a rather long time since I shot and posted digital photos. My baby the D200 was starting to feel neglected. Also the 22" beauty dish arrived today, so playtime. Seeing that my girlfriend to some nice flowers from her new colleagues I decided there was not better thing to shoot.
Read on after the jump >>>

Wednesday 5 October 2011

Five Favourite Fotos From France

So today I will show you my five favourite photos that I took during my/our holiday. Today as well I will let the photos do the talking and only comment shortly. This is something I am practicing with. I am thinking of creating a collection of my work and if I want to exhibit any of it I have to work on short, telling sentences or names for my work.

The photo to the left I dubbed:
The Scream of the Privileged Young

More photos after the jump >>>>

Tuesday 4 October 2011

Aaand Back to France - Part 2

So, I reckon this will be the first to last post regarding France, which would mean that tomorrow I'll finally show my collection of favourite photos! I am hoping that those photos will make it into my portfolio and that you love as much as I do. One or two photos will show themselves for the second time, maybe. The photo to the left I like very much as well. Next to having two beautiful models in it, I also like the light very much. The colours are interesting, and the slightly blown highlights and the deep blacks are amazing.
This photo also sort of sums up the way the holiday was. Relaxed, free, sunny and beautiful! We were four young people in the prime of our lives in a wonderful place. I think there is a short story in there somewhere. *writing cap on*
Read on after the jump >>>>

Monday 3 October 2011

Aaand Back to France - Part 1

So I decided it was about time to head back to France for the final series of blog posts about my holiday. Remember? I went on and on about food, wine and friends. Yep, that's the one. So I finally got the last roll of film printed and today I will be showing some of the photos. Tomorrow or the day after I will be doing a "best photos" post, but today I thought it would be nice if I used a picture which is about the only one I am in myself. For those of you in doubt: I am the middle one!
One blessing and curse of being a photographer is that you never are in any photos yourself. I'm very grateful that Yal took this one of me and the two ladies, for I wouldn't have been in any otherwise.
Of course there are some more after the jump >>>