Monday 3 October 2011

Aaand Back to France - Part 1

So I decided it was about time to head back to France for the final series of blog posts about my holiday. Remember? I went on and on about food, wine and friends. Yep, that's the one. So I finally got the last roll of film printed and today I will be showing some of the photos. Tomorrow or the day after I will be doing a "best photos" post, but today I thought it would be nice if I used a picture which is about the only one I am in myself. For those of you in doubt: I am the middle one!
One blessing and curse of being a photographer is that you never are in any photos yourself. I'm very grateful that Yal took this one of me and the two ladies, for I wouldn't have been in any otherwise.
Of course there are some more after the jump >>>

Okay, it is indeed one of those days that I do not feel like talking. Yes people, miracles happen more than once, otherwise no one would believe you. I think it has something to do with me trying to act in a theater group on Sunday evening and after that having spent a lot of my need to blabber on and on about Grilled Trout in Butter Sauce and such. So I let you have a look at the photos and then I will turn in, for it is quite late here already and I'm typing from my bed starting to slowly lose track of what I'm doing and typing and doing and typing. Well, good morning and good night to you all!

Oh for those of you wondering while I am almost wandering off, the guy in the photo to the left is not me. You might notice the different colour swimming pants. It is in fact Yal. And the two above are not me either. ;) Sadly I am not THAT good-looking!

*nodding off*

PS. A happy Birthday to my mate Geert. 'Appy B'day Djude!

*Signing off*

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