Tuesday 4 October 2011

Aaand Back to France - Part 2

So, I reckon this will be the first to last post regarding France, which would mean that tomorrow I'll finally show my collection of favourite photos! I am hoping that those photos will make it into my portfolio and that you love as much as I do. One or two photos will show themselves for the second time, maybe. The photo to the left I like very much as well. Next to having two beautiful models in it, I also like the light very much. The colours are interesting, and the slightly blown highlights and the deep blacks are amazing.
This photo also sort of sums up the way the holiday was. Relaxed, free, sunny and beautiful! We were four young people in the prime of our lives in a wonderful place. I think there is a short story in there somewhere. *writing cap on*
Read on after the jump >>>>

Okay to finish up this short blog: Analogue rocks! I love the film, I love the effects, I love the colours, I love the cameras, I love the limitations, and most of all I love the results! Just to let you know something about the photo to the right... That is me and Yal together, staring into the distance with a brave and manly stance. We are squinting into the sun as we stand watch to guard our girls! Isn't that poetic? ;)

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