Thursday 13 October 2011

A 70's Safari - The Tale

Wonderful things are to be found in the deep dark jungles of Borneo, but only for those daring and brave enough to seek them out. Deep chasms, dangerous predators, venomous spiders, blood-sucking bats and savage natives are what stand between our two protagonists and the wondrous benign wild life of that of the tropical birds, and great apes. Our tale begins when Alexander Bishop and Ludwich van Pudelstein, on a day like any other, are working in the studio. Only just in the first couple of rolls of film and they and their model are interrupted by a sharp knock on the door. As Ludwich climbs down from the scaffolding he is on where he was repositioning the lights, a rather impatient knock sounds once again. He jumps down the last few feet and calmly walks towards the door. When he is nearly there another sharp knock sounds right in his face. Even though Alexander cannot see Ludwich's face he can clearly see him getting agitated by the impatience and impertinence of this man at the door. Ludwich does not aprove of this kind of behaviour, to be sure. As he slowly opens the door he is almost hit in the face by the brut standing at the door. As he ducks and is missed by inches he recovers almost scolding when he suddenly recovers and swallows his words >>> Read on after the Jump >>>

The man he was ready to put in his place with a tirade of words turns out to be one of the most stunning women he had ever seen. As he almost falters on his words he quickly changes demeanour and invites this wonder of nature out of the rain and into their studio.
The woman is wearing a trench coat with high boots and has amazing long blonde wavy hair, and although all of her being is drenched from the rain that is outside pouring down on the world, she still has a regal air. Ludwich tries to be decent and introduce himself to her and her to Alexander, but she will have none of that. She barges in past him and goes straight for Alexander who has not yet completely become aware of what was going on. She calls out to him as soon as he turns around and says: "You are Mr. Bishop, Mr. Alexander Bishop I reckon?". "Well, my dear, how on earth did you deduct that?", he replies with a small laugh on his lips. "Might it just be the big sign on the door, or all the lights and models strewn around this place? "Or no, it must surely be that you have seen my likeness in the magazines or something. By god Ludwich, I think we have an admirer" He shouts jokingly through the studio. With a soft shake of the head and a fierce look in her eyes she replies with "No, it was the Hasselblad 500 resting in your hands, and the collection of Nikon F1's close to you. Nobody shoots with those anymore, so you must be Bishop!" Slightly taken aback, but most impressed he was by the answer she gave. 'Very well then young lady, why is it that you seek me out in the middle of the night in the worst weather this wretched country has to offer?'. 'I came to make you an offer', she replies, 'An offer I reckon you won't refuse', 'An offer from Life Magazine and National Geographic together, for you to go to Borneo'.

Read on tomorrow, same time, same place!

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