Wednesday 12 October 2011

Back to yesteryear.

I thought it would be nice to take a look at some photos of yesteryear, and so here a three.
The guy to the left, who apparantly is trying to phone home or something rather like it, is a lightpainting shot. You can read more about this technique in a post of some time ago.
I did two posts about the lightpainting technique, one about what I call canvas painting, and one about scene lightpainting. The first is like the photo to the left, just a blank canvas of black with light painted on, where the other consists of light painted on a scene with subjects in it. A slightly more difficult technique, but immensely more fun to do. There is a third technique, but we'll discuss that later on this year.

Read on about other photos after the jump >>>

 The photo to the right I used when explaining specular highlights and a bit about product photography. The post you can (re)read by clicking on this link. I can honestly say that it was rather well written, and quite educational. And I know what you are thinking: "But Alex, you are always so articulate and well-versed in your articles, and most certainly incredibly interesting and educational". I my turn I would respond with an unbelieving but appreciating giggle of glee and lovingly tell you off for being so flattering. No, but in all seriousness, if you want to learn a little bit about photography you should read my older blog posts. It is not the be all and end all, definitely not, but it might be interesting to read.
The last photo of this post today was taken when I was feeling rather under the weather as you had probably already guessed. I am (re)showing this here today, because it has gotten such great comments on other photo sites. People often comment on the great composition and the pink of the Ibuprofen in the photo, which sort of breaks the whole colour scheme. I always was quite satisfied with the results, but never expected it to draw much attention, or certainly not the amount that it did.

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