Thursday 15 September 2011

Friends, iPhones and Hipstamatic

A couple of weeks ago I discovered the new family album functions in Hipstamatic and it gave me a idea. Since it lets us share photos with other hipsta users I decided to ask a friend of mine to join in this album and fill it together. The quest: to take photos of whatever you see, tag it with a special tag, with that put it in our shared album and share it with each other, do this all one month and after that see what we've created.
Today I will show you some photos that didn't make the cut (and so weren't uploaded to the shared album)
Read on >>>>

The rules of this game are:
- Photos have to made between 30-08 and 30-09 of this year
- Can only be made by either my friend or me
- Can be made anywhere in the world
- Have to have a specific tag
- Subject can be anything at any time!

I picked my friend carefully based on a couple of prerequisites:
- she is an artist (music and visual)
- she's brilliant at it
- we hadn't had much contact last couple of years. On the one hand that was a good thing because we weren't influenced by each other's work, and on the other we could rekindle our friendship.
- she had an iPhone and a hipsta account (which was pretty handy although not really a must).

All these things made me want to start this project of shooting together for a month.

I haven't discussed yet what we're going to do with the photos afterward and it could be any number of things.

- we could print them in a blurb book
- share them on a blog of some sorts ;)
- just keep them for ourselves and come together to have a beer and share some stories about the photos.

And maybe we'll do all of the above :)

We'll see.....

BTW Be sure to take a look on my friend's site!
The URL is :

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