Wednesday 26 October 2011

Some Photos, I Think....

There we go boys and girls... Today I am having a little bit of an off day. I had one of the weirdest dreams ever. It was about a terminator kind of post-apocalyptic world and I was in the smack dead middle of it. That brought me a weird waking up.

Read on after the jump >>>

The rest of the photos are a collection of photos I took over the previous year. This is because today I need to do some work around the house and for my studies, so little time to make some photos. Tomorrow we will hopefully have another 'real' shoot.
In the mean while enjoy these photos. =D

The photo on the right is on my way to Rijsbergen for the National Youth Choir Championship.

 The photo to the left was taken when I was in Antwerp with an outing of my previous job.
And this last one to the right is taken whilst sitting in the afternoon fall sun on Nijmegen Central Station. The wind was cold and the sun nice and warm. =D

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