Tuesday 28 September 2010

Day 8 - Puts a Smile on/Coming to Get You

Well I guess today is deserving of a little celebration, for I made it to week 2.
I am still having a lot of fun, and am definitly learning from the whole ordeal!
So I decided I was allowed to fool around with Light Painting today and that would be my photo of the day. Deserving? You tell me!

More after the jump......

Light Painting?

Yep light painting! It is pretty much what it says only instead of using a canvas you use a camera, and instead of using a brush you use a torch (flashlight, or any other light directing tool)
You set the camera to the longest shutterspeed possible (or to any that you want) and crank the aperture waaaaaaaay down to f22 for instance (aperture = the amount of lens opening you allow = the quantity of light you allow to go through your lens) and put your camera on a tripod. Press the shutter and start making movements in the air with your torch.
You could just randomly move it about, but what would be the fun in that, at least for more than a few minutes ;), or you could make a painting with it. As you can see I chose the smiley face for my first tries at light painting, and with that have discovered that it isn't easy!
It takes quite a bit of practise to get it right and I went through 25 frames to get something like the photo above.

I think it is probably a lot easier to use some kind of frame for it, like drawing a sword in someones hand so you have points of reference. Not really sure if that is true, but I still want to do a short light painting movie (stop motion), so I will continue practising.

I'm coming to get you

Well that is probably the title I am giving to the picture to the right, but what I wanted to say is, I need you, even though I am still coming to get you >:-)
Please drop me a line below to let me know if you even like these photos. What can be improved? How would you improve it? And lastly, whether or not you would be interested in participating in a larger light painting project of say, 8/10 hours where we make our own 30 second light painting (stop motion) movie of an undetermined script. I need about 10/12 people working alongside me. Artist are more than welcome, especially painters, sketch artists, or sculpters, photographers, of course also :) But if you are none of the above, and want to participate, you're more than welcome as well!

See you tomorrow!



  1. When I saw that pink smily I went: Kirby!
    Maybe I have been playing Kirby too much lately >.<

    Anyway, those light paintings are amazing! You should do more. Let's see how far you can go.

    I would love to help out with the movie project, but I have to be careful with offering my help. My time is already limited as it is >.<;

    Oh and congratulations on making it into the second week!

  2. Hi Alex,

    Good job! It's interesting how you made your smily and I think it is very difficult to make something like this! So make pictures like this I like them!

    See you soon!


