Monday 24 October 2011

Hipstaing Again

For those of you brave enough to have thought: "Ooo... Hipstamatic! I want to see some more of that!", I bid you all a very big welcome. For those of you who accidentally clicked or misread the link and are now bummed out that there is still more Hipstamatic... Ah just keep reading anyway ;) I love having you on the blog :)

As for the photo on the left, I realised that people like to see me as the blithering idiot. That in itself should probably explain the photo, doesn't it? No? Ah well...

Read on after the jump >>>

The next of these is a screenshot I took on my phone and it is of one of my other blogposts. If you find the right one you get a portrait shoot for free :) Just post it in the comment section below.
I love language, and language is made up out of words. Words are made up out of letters and I love them as well. Typography is something I really love. You will never see me use a font such as TimesNewRoman or god forbid, Comic Sans which I absolutely despise.
I love to zoom in on words as I think they make little pieces of art.
I will be posting about that some time in the future seeing that Vera's and my new Hipsta Project is about typography.

The photo to the left is done with available light and is dubbed: YinYan by me.

This photo I took whilst on the train because of love. I love the shoes, and love the logo. Therefore I am posting it here.

This as well is part of the typography project, although it did not make the final cut.
If you guys where this is from you win the mystery price!
Just comment in the comment section below.


  1. Part of the DC shoe cooperation logo? :)

  2. Pretty good guess, but sadly enough not correct.
