Wednesday 5 October 2011

Five Favourite Fotos From France

So today I will show you my five favourite photos that I took during my/our holiday. Today as well I will let the photos do the talking and only comment shortly. This is something I am practicing with. I am thinking of creating a collection of my work and if I want to exhibit any of it I have to work on short, telling sentences or names for my work.

The photo to the left I dubbed:
The Scream of the Privileged Young

More photos after the jump >>>>

The photo to the right I named:
Walking on water: the holy couple

At first you can't see little else but Loes standing in the middle of the photo with a rather strange look, stance and demeanor. Slowly you start to notice Yal standing at the far right as well and at least then her looking to the side makes sense. But if you think of the title and take a closer look, it seems as if they are both standing on the water. Nice! Or at least so think I.

Oh just to let you know, nothing is done in photoshop.

So to go on....

The next two photos I somewhat have a problem with.
I like both very much on their own, but together as well.

The first displays greenish, blueish hues and a sort of "depressing", or unknowing stance of the model Rose, and then we've got the second one with the same model but with a completely different feel. The colours are brighter and incredibly warm.
Rose as well has a much lighter/happier stance and looks smilingly into the camera lens. So the two of them together tell the story, but I have to think hard about these two.
And then we get to the last photo of Yal sitting on a rock. It reminds me very much of a 70s Bond film. For that reason this photo is called: Old Spice

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