Wednesday 19 October 2011


Right guys and gals, normally I would be showing some of my own work here, but today I give you Vera! I have before blogged about her here a little while back talking in the Friends, iPhones and Hipstamatic post and today she's back.

Read on after the jump >>>

The two of us met up recently after not having seen each other in literally years and years. Sure we had kept in touch via Facebook and Hipstamatic, but that's just not the same, now is it.
She came over to my hometown and we had some really nice, funny and interesting talks about almost everything except the photos we had been making those past 6 weeks. Nevertheless we had a great time and hopefully we'll see each other again soon.

So why am I blogging about her? Well first of all she is in fact a brilliant artist as I mentioned so clearly in the Friends, iPhones and Hipstamatic post, but that is not quite the reason today. The reason today is that I am very proud to say that I appeared in a comic she made the day after we met up. It was a really funny situation and she exploited it fully. As well she should! For someone like me, who almost never appears in photos, it is really great to see myself appear in that comic. I must say she captured me quite well =D

So without further ado, the comic in which I play the true part of a total fool... Enjoy!

Oh I just forgot, the comic is in Dutch. Translated my line is: "This is truly a very good Chinese restaurant! You can notice that from all the Chinese eating here around this time!"

1 comment:

  1. Ha Alex,

    Had nu pas tijd om je blogpost te lezen, maar wat een lof en eer krijg ik om mijn oren geslingerd :) Leuk hoor! Ik moest hardop lachen om je opmerking dat we het nog steeds niet over de foto's gehad hebben, haha! Tot snel :) x
