Thursday 29 September 2011

England - Part 2 - These Too

Next to the photos I took of landscapes and a lovely model I will get to later, I also took some photos of other people and things. Today I will show you three photos. A landscape, a street portrait and "portrait of a bird".
The photo to the left is of my friend Kub, who was one of the Dutchies in Brighton. We often made road trips and so we ended up at the beach at Hastings (think Battle at Hastings, 1066) and I squeezed the shutter. I like it very much. It has movement and something special to it. What is she thinking, what is she doing? Where is she going? Who the hell can she be?

I do like photos that raise questions, or in other words tell a little story.

Of course there is more to see.
See more after the jump >>>

Like I said there is more. I actually am not really in to mood to talk about the photos at length, so I will just show them here and leave it at that. Believe it or not, I sometimes do not feel like talking. Yes, yes, it is a rarity, but it does occur ;)
I will be my chatty self come tomorrow, so please do not worry about me, I'll be fine.
Right, now where did I leave my glass of 12-year old scotch? Oh there it is :)

*Settling in on the couch with my girlfriend now*

*Remembering to show people that I am not an alcoholic*

*Writing here that I write these blogposts at night and auto schedule them to be published in the morning*

*Saying good morning*

*Signing off*

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