Saturday 17 September 2011


Right guys and gals, something slightly different today.
If you keep up with today's world of the visual arts you can read everywhere that it is becoming more and more important to not just dabble in one field, but in several at the same time.
Well, although that may be true, it's not the reason I did these.
It is a form of crossover from photography to comics, but I am just fooling around with a new app I got for my iPad some time ago.
It lets you create pages out of a comic book with any material you have on you iPad.
So I decided to grab some pics and try to make one page comics.

Read on after the jump >>>

So I started out with some photos I had hanging around on my iPad and decided to give it a go. I turns out that it is rather hard to tell one-page stories and I am really curious what you all think of them.

You can't really use too much space or the photos begin to get unrecognisable, so there is room for one or two photos top!
Then you have to think of something you want this little story to tell the reader/viewer.
And when you've got that it get really hard: Be funny, interesting, clear enough for everybody, smart and maybe even punny, in one single sentence (or maybe two)

Well, that isn't easy I can tell you!

The creating of the page is definitely the easy part, for the app works absolutely great, but the next part is where the difficulties lie.
If there's one thing those of you who know me personally damn well know, is that I talk easily, but also that I love to talk at length. I, not unlike Stephen Fry (a personal hero of mine), have difficulty to say everything that I believe there is to be said in a short sentence. How can I, with all the subtleties and intricate little facts that need to be conveyed to you all, say something in a single sentence.

Okay to be honest, I just simply love words! I love what I can do with them, but sadly that is something not for here and somewhat more suited for my memoirs or autobiography (if I ever become famous ;) ).

Just one thing I want you to ask you all:
Of course tell me what you think of the comics, but I would like it even better if you would come up with your own ideas for one of these photos. Just imagine all the letters gone so you will have a blank canvas to work on.

As always,

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