Wednesday 14 September 2011

Day 67 - What do you think? (Skipped Post)

Sometimes it's hard to know what people see in art.... some of us see a polar bear in a statue where others simply see a naked woman (come to think of it, some of my friends see naked women in everything they see), and it goes the same for photography.
I see a lot of possibilities for this photo, as well as a lot of names for or stories behind it.
Today I want to keep my ideas a secret and have you all name this photo, or otherwise give it a story.
This could be anything ranging from Sleeping Beauty (NL: Doornroosje)(for the Dutchies: Saw what I did there *wink, wink, nudge, nudge, you know what I mean, you know what I mean?* ) or telling me that it should be an advertisement of some sort.
Just let me know...
More about the photo after the jump>>>

My model of today is someone most of you have already seen on this blog for she modelled for me wonderfully on day 13 of the project. Rose agreed to model for me again (or well I sorta forced her to it, but that's a story for a different time) and again I got a lot of great shots.
Compared to last time this was a completely different shoot.
Here's a list of things that went differently:
- I didn't scare the living daylights out of her with my question to model for me ;)
- Low key on the equipment : Only a camera and two flashes without any modifiers (no umbrella's, screens, stands, backdrops, or anything of the sort).
- It was a really short shoot (like about 1/10th of last time)
- No real plan

Except for the first point on my little list (which was really important, but I have written about it in great length on Day 13 already) I would like to discuss them all, if ever so briefly.

Low Key Equipment

As photographers we are innately drawn to every little bit of equipment we can get our grubby little fingers on, but sometimes we can overdo it too.
Last time I brought exactly enough equipment, but as it turned out, I brought enough equipment this time as well, and I didn't even bring a third of last time.
This time I had to work with what I had brought with me and within no time I had a working setup in which I could take perfect photos without to much of a fuss. Okay, granted, Rose doesn't really need any softeners so I can use a rather hard light source if I'd wish so, but I simply used the bloody ceiling as we all learn to do in lighting 101.
Plus my model didn't realise the lights were there which makes it a lot less distracting for starting models.

Short Shoot

This was good too, I didn't tire out Rose neither did I get tired myself. I had focus (well as much as can be expected of me) and she worked along fab. Try and keep it short. Create a good setup, test it, and then shoot your model in it.

No Real Plan

This doesn't always works out for the best, but it did today.
Sometimes it's good, and fun as well, to simply go light and shoot. This often makes me think of new ideas and these I can use later on as well.
You need to make sure of course that you aren't winging a really important assignment or when you only have the model for a few minutes, for that could work out disastrous.

Well as I mentioned above, please let me know what you think of this photo, give it a name and create a small back story... Oh and please let me know as well at what time you think this was shot and under what conditions.
Hope you all feel up to the task of commenting on this one!


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