Wednesday 22 September 2010

Just wanted to share this one......

Okay, okay!
I know I am supposed to upload photos I made that day, for that is what the entire project is about, but I really wanted to share this photo.
I do also know that you probably have seen it in some way in my last photo, because it was on my screen while I made the shots of my desk in the study.

To be honest, I think it is one of the best photos I ever took, and I really love it.

More after the jump

To tell you a little bit more about this photo, I have to tell you about the fact that I went on holiday this year to Malaysia.
Yes Malaysia! And I can just hear everyone thinking "why Malaysia???", well that was because one of my friends (and brother in law) was doing his gynaecology minor in Kuala Lumpur.
Me and my girlfriend believed we couldn't have a better excuse to visit Malaysia, and since neither of us had ever been to Asia (and I not even to another continent) we were pretty excited.
I of course spent months of planning on what to bring from my camera equipment and eventually I settled on my Nikon D200, a modest wide to telezoom, and my oh so heavy 70-200 f2.8. I love that lens to death for the speed and for the glass (brilliant, just absolutely brilliant glass) but when you are walking around through Asia for three weeks with a backpack (a big 90 litre one) every kilo tends to count.
In the end I only used my 70-200 twice, but both times it got me more than brilliant shots as this one shows you, so it was more than worth carrying it around for three weeks.

To be honest I can't really remember how I took this shot, except for the fact that I was actually quite close to the bird. BTW if anyone knows what kind it is, please let me know in the comments, because I have absolutely no clue.
I can remember I shot it with the 70-200 (because it was one of the two times I used it), but all other info comes from the Meta-Data :( Sadly enough!

Maybe when I take a walk down memory lane when I'm making our holiday scrap/photo book in the next couple of weeks it will come back to me. We'll see.

I hope you like the photo! I certainly do :D


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