Saturday 25 September 2010

Day 5 - Hipstamatic Still - Pepsi

There we go. Day 5 and still going strong :)
Today I continued my journey through Hipstamatic Land and I found this neon Pepsi sign, and started to get really curious about how it would look on Hipstamatic. Luckily it was right there in my pocket because that is one of the advantages of the iPhone and the Hipsta app!

More after the jump.....

As I mentioned yesterday I have become completely smitten with this app, so today again a photo from the Hipsta.

This sign actually hangs in the bar where I work and it is around 15 year old. The reason I love Hipsta is because it now has the feel as if it is one of the first Pepsi signs. I think it has a nice 50's/60's feeling to it which I think works really well for this sign.

I experimented a bit with the placing of the sign in the frame, and actually had a hard time. I shot maybe 15 frames before choosing this one (and still not completely sure if this should be the final product, just to be fair). A lot of the other frames shew the the Pepsi sign (the circle not the letters) a lot larger, but I had to pay for that by loosing part of the first and last letter.
Well, time will show whether or not this was the best frame.

In the meanwhile, drop me a line in the comment section below to let me know what you think of it.

1 comment:

  1. You sure surprised me with that text!

    But other than that I'm really enjoying the entries you've made so far! I'm looking forward to see more beautiful or experimental pictures from you.

