Monday 20 September 2010

365 Project

Hello Friend, Family, Coworkers, and hopefully some strangers as time progresses.

I have decided to start a 365 project and although many, (many, many, many) photographers are doing that right now (so I'm not that original), chances are high that you have never heard of it before, so I will briefly explain what it all entails.

More after the jump....


Well as most of you will know, I crashed and burned on my first attempts.... The idea to make and post one pic a day for a year is incredibly hard. Especially because you want to bring the people something really good everytime, and since I like to write I always spent way too much time on that part as well.
I decided to keep it a 365 project, but as Ted Forbes and Wade Griffith explained, a 365 project can entail more than that. So I decided to make 365 photos this year (at least 365 photos) and post them.
I haven't counted the once I already posted yet, but will soon.

What is the first thing you think of when you see the number 365? A year probably, and you would be right because, that is exactly what it stands for!

I am going to make and post one picture every day of the year for one year exactly.

The reasons I'm doing this, even though I have a busy year ahead of me, is that it forces me to do a couple of things. It forces me to bring a little routine into my day, which as most of you already know I often lack. It forces me to be creative every day of the week. It forces me to relax while photographing instead of sitting on the couch watching TV. And last, but not least, it forces me to photograph every single day.

This last reason is the reason where you all come in. I am of course trying to become a better photographer, and although practise gets you a long way (and a daily practise even further), it would be nothing without the people who see my photographs. After all, having someone see your photograph, is the last step in making a photograph.
I hope that you will all be as gracious to visit my blog frequently and hopefully respond to my photos.

I have set up a couple of ways to follow my progress this year. You can become a follower of my blog (see the right side of the page), subscribe to my RSS feed (see bottom), or ask to be kept in the loop by an email. Please use one or more of the previous ways to follow me.

I sincerely hope that you will all follow me in the coming weeks (and maybe even recommend me to your friends if you like my work) and I will be forever grateful.


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