Wednesday 29 September 2010

Day 9 - Coffee Break

Today I felt a bit tired and the headache didn't help either. Of course I tributed it to going out last night, but as it turned out all I needed was a cup of fresh coffee.
And although I didn't found that out till after shooting a couple of frames of this black gold of gods I was absolutely grateful to a friend of mine who suggested I make this picture.
Thank you sooo much :D

More after the jump....

Tuesday 28 September 2010

Day 8 - Puts a Smile on/Coming to Get You

Well I guess today is deserving of a little celebration, for I made it to week 2.
I am still having a lot of fun, and am definitly learning from the whole ordeal!
So I decided I was allowed to fool around with Light Painting today and that would be my photo of the day. Deserving? You tell me!

More after the jump......

Monday 27 September 2010

Day 7 - Grey skies + Rain = Flash

Just like the first week is over, so is the nice weather in Nijmegen, The Netherlands. At the moment we have little else but a dreary rain drizzling down from the grey skies the entire day.
Grey skies + Rain = Flash

More after the jump...

Sunday 26 September 2010

Day 3 - Man on Campus

As promised, Day 3 on Sunday :)
And as I mentioned before I did some shooting on Day 3 (see Post of Day 3) and as it happened to be I was on campus and we had some nice sun out. Shooting time.
More after the jump...

Day 6 - Need some help on Ludwig Jobs

 As many a photographer can tell you is  not to clutter your portfolio with 10 shots of the same person, just pick the one with the WOW-factor.
Another thing many photographers can probably tell you is that it is sometimes really hard to pick one
This is where you come in, right after the jump..

Saturday 25 September 2010

Day 5 - Hipstamatic Still - Pepsi

There we go. Day 5 and still going strong :)
Today I continued my journey through Hipstamatic Land and I found this neon Pepsi sign, and started to get really curious about how it would look on Hipstamatic. Luckily it was right there in my pocket because that is one of the advantages of the iPhone and the Hipsta app!

More after the jump.....

Day 4 - Hipstamatic

 Well this day was a weird one. I went to bed around 8.30am this morning after skipping the night, but during the previous day I bought a new app for my iPhone and I love it.
Just have a quick look at the pic to the left and read on on the pros and cons on this app.

More after the jump.....

Day 3 - Ehm, what, where, when....

Well Day 3 has arrived and left already and since I spent it shooting, playing volleybal and drinking, I haven't yet been able to upload my photos from yesterday (I spent the entire day in bed because I went to bed at 8.30 this morning).
I will get to Day 3 on sunday, but in the meantime you can have a look at my Hipstaprint photos from this morning. I am absolutely raving about the Hipstomatic app for the iPhone, as you will be able to read about in the Day 4 Post, plus the best thing is you can upload to FB and to my (mail)server so I can post them here :)
So go on to read Day 4, and I will post the Day 3 photo here on Sunday.

Wednesday 22 September 2010

Day 2 - Bus Stop

Today, as many days of the week, I was waiting at the bus stop and I saw this lovely old man waiting for the bus as well.
And as usually I had my camera out just looking around for a nice shot to take.

After a few shots the bus finally came and I squeezed this on off

More after the jump....

Just wanted to share this one......

Okay, okay!
I know I am supposed to upload photos I made that day, for that is what the entire project is about, but I really wanted to share this photo.
I do also know that you probably have seen it in some way in my last photo, because it was on my screen while I made the shots of my desk in the study.

To be honest, I think it is one of the best photos I ever took, and I really love it.

More after the jump

Tuesday 21 September 2010

Day 1

Day 1 has started and the first photo is in.

I was busy revising (dutch: studeren) for my didactics class tomorrow and I thought how great it would be if the sun would come shining in through the window.

So I grabbed my camera and decided to shoot off a few pics...

More after the jump

Monday 20 September 2010

365 Project

Hello Friend, Family, Coworkers, and hopefully some strangers as time progresses.

I have decided to start a 365 project and although many, (many, many, many) photographers are doing that right now (so I'm not that original), chances are high that you have never heard of it before, so I will briefly explain what it all entails.

More after the jump....