Friday 4 November 2011

What a great day! (or Me in BnW)

Today is turning out to be the best of days with regard to photography! I already know that I will be shooting some of our local elderly at a hospital/living facility, but what I didn't know when I got up this morning was: That it would be great weather out, I would meet a painter at central station who agreed to having his picture taken, the staircase in our building has some great light when you're there at the right time, and that just fooling around with my old D70 and 50mm f1.8 could lead to the shot you see the the left. More of these to come coming week, as well as the shots I took of the painter, but for now I will go and test&pack my gear for the shoot later on.

Have a great weekend, enjoy the great weather out, and I hope to see you all on monday!


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