So today I am showing you the work of yesterday's mini project: Ugly Faces. The deal was that I would make a strip of four photos every waking hour with me looking like an idiot. Or ugly at the very least. So I took a photo strip every hour and am posting them now by following the hours of the day. So the morning is first, and from then on all the way to nighty night night. Why do this. Well I like the fact that I can see myself throughout the day and witness first hand what other people see when they see me during that day. Of course I won't be looking the same way when they see me for I will be looking in weird ways, but I like it that way... Maybe I will do something similar but then with a photo an hour for one week and put those all together. Though I'm not sure about that yet, it will take a ridiculous size of my brain to keep thinking about it and remembering to shoot every hour or so.
Keep on reading after the jump >>>
Okay, to be honest I didn't take a strip every single hour, but it was rather close to it. It is really difficult to take such a strip of idiotic photos when you are teaching. So all and all I took photos from the night before till last night about one/two hour(s)
Right, I hope that you'll like these strips :)
Made @ work @ my desk
Again @work @my desk = Tired

On the couch @home

On the couch @home + GF
:) uit berlijn bedoel ik