Thursday 17 November 2011

Shades make the dog!

One of the photos in my street photography portfolio is this dog. The sunglasses look really nice on him, and slightly funny, but were absolutely necessary! This is because of the snow! When the sunlight reflects in the white, white snow the dog, who is very close to this shiny snow, gets easily blinded by it. That's why he was wearing the glasses.
Nice huh!?!

Wednesday 16 November 2011

Ice Cold

Sorry guys and gals... I have been away for two or three days, but it has been rather a busy time these last few weeks. No excuses now though, so I'm back up posting every day from now on again :)

The photo to the left I took while on holiday in France a couple of years ago. We were hanging out in the snow somewhere in the month of March and had some beers with us. Of course I brought my camera along and this is one of the photos I took that week. I asked him to grab the beer out of the snow (Aaaah..... Ice Cold) and hold it up like that. The little bit of snow on the can, his smile, his red & raggy hair, the glasses and the sun all contribute to this photo. The only thing I would different now (three years of experience later) is use a flash to lighten up his face a bit more. I could of course do this in photoshop, but I refuse to!

So let me know what you think of it in the comment section below.

Friday 11 November 2011

Drawer where I keep my lightbulbs in

A little of fine art today. It is a photo I will once want to recreate with a different setup and a different cupboard, but for now I will show you this.

I like this idea although it goes around a little bit against the rules of where light should come from (only let light come from a place that is logical). But because this is fine art I think I am allowed to ;)

Let me know what you think of this!


Thursday 10 November 2011

Snow, boards and riders

Seeing that the air is getting colder and the clouds are pulling together more and more the need for snow is growing larger and larger by the day. I can already feel my feet snugly secured in my Burtons and strapped to my Nitro. I can't wait for the winter in that aspect! I hope you will all enjoy these photos of the NSSK of 2009.

Read on after the jump >>>

Wednesday 9 November 2011

Painter @ Central Station

Last Friday I had my driver's lesson in Nijmegen (a neighbouring town where I lived until last July) and I decided to catch the early train so I didn't have to run from the platform to the car. I got out around 11am and was rather surprised when I found that we had stopped at the far end of the platform quite far from the actual station. I got out, stepped into the warm fall sun and started off towards the station to shoot some photos from anything I could see. When I had taken about 2 steps I saw a man sitting in the shade of the train.

Read on after the jump >>>

Tuesday 8 November 2011


Okay Guys and Gals, the thing is I am incredibly busy at the moment right now! So today I am going to show you a photo that some of you will have seen before, but which I think is great! It was shot on a walkway bridge over a motorway in Brighton. The sea fog was kicking in hard and we thought it was a great night to go out and make photos... This was one of the results. I hope you enjoy it... See you tomorrow, hopefully with a larger blog post filled with the painter I shot earlier.


Friday 4 November 2011

What a great day! (or Me in BnW)

Today is turning out to be the best of days with regard to photography! I already know that I will be shooting some of our local elderly at a hospital/living facility, but what I didn't know when I got up this morning was: That it would be great weather out, I would meet a painter at central station who agreed to having his picture taken, the staircase in our building has some great light when you're there at the right time, and that just fooling around with my old D70 and 50mm f1.8 could lead to the shot you see the the left. More of these to come coming week, as well as the shots I took of the painter, but for now I will go and test&pack my gear for the shoot later on.

Have a great weekend, enjoy the great weather out, and I hope to see you all on monday!


Thursday 3 November 2011

A day of ugly faces

So today I am showing you the work of yesterday's mini project: Ugly Faces. The deal was that I would make a strip of four photos every waking hour with me looking like an idiot. Or ugly at the very least. So I took a photo strip every hour and am posting them now by following the hours of the day. So the morning is first, and from then on all the way to nighty night night. Why do this. Well I like the fact that I can see myself throughout the day and witness first hand what other people see when they see me during that day. Of course I won't be looking the same way when they see me for I will be looking in weird ways, but I like it that way... Maybe I will do something similar but then with a photo an hour for one week and put those all together. Though I'm not sure about that yet, it will take a ridiculous size of my brain to keep thinking about it and remembering to shoot every hour or so.

Keep on reading after the jump >>>

Wednesday 2 November 2011

Ugly Faces

Today I have started a new mini project which is called ugly expressions. This project entails that I will take a photo of myself every waking hour today and post them all tomorrow. This idea started when I was lying on the couch fooling around with the Incredibooth app. This app is a sort of Hipstamatic but it makes four photos in a row (like the photo booths out there). The main difference though is that it makes photos using the front camera on your iPhone (so the one facing you, which you use for face time e.g.). I really like this app as well and decided to do this project. The reason I like doing ugly faces is because I like them! I like making them, I like shooting them, and I especially like the combination of both. So except for this free sample right here, you will see nothing else of me today.

See you tomorrow.