Thursday 10 March 2011

iPhone on Olaf

Personally I like photos that look like these, but there is no accounting for taste, now is there... I shot this while I was on the train to The Hague and had a few minutes to spare. Just have a look which you think is best.
More after the jump >>>

Well  these photos don't really differ that much, it's mostly a little bit of colour and the rest is composition, but I still really would like to know which you prefer. So drop me a line in the comment section.


Photog info:
Shot at 
1/320 and 1/640 (1st & 2nd)
ISO 640
WB set to Custom (grey card)
No flash
Fluorescents + Daylight mix
No post

1 comment:

  1. I prefer the first picture. It's 'warmer'...
