Wednesday 2 February 2011

The end of Winter? 1 + Announcements

Hello All,

Please read on after the jump for the post, pics and some announcements >>>

As I explained in my previous post I have been far to busy lately to mantain the project, that's why I have decided to put a halt to it and just regularly upload photos and post on this blog. Nothing will really change, except for the fact that it will be less frequent than it used to be.
I will probably still easily make the 365 photos, for I often upload more than one, so in a sense this still is a 365 project, just not the same one I started out with :)

As winter was coming to some sort of an end (only to be rekindled this week by harsh cold weather with sleet and ice) I decided it was a good thing to upload my winter pics of this winter.
All were shot with my iPhone and any post production work was also done on the iPhone.
I will post about 15 photos over 3 posts (so I won't saturate you with photos after such a long absence).

Three Announcements:
1 .
I have been shooting analogue (film) for some time now, and as soon as those have been developed I will post those as well (it's a rather long process for me being a first timer so have patience).

I did several paid shoots over the last months, so I will be putting some of those photos up here as well.

I have at least one (hopefully more) portrait shoots planned for the coming weeks, so keep an eye out. These will be as my earlier work all fine art/portrait.

Here a the first 5 and I hope you will enjoy them!
And as always, let me know what you think of them :)


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