Wednesday 26 January 2011

Long Time No Read

In a medium-sized neighbourhood of a larger town, in one of the smaller countries of the second smallest continent of the only human-life sustainable planet in the vicinity of the yellow dwarf known as the Sun, a young painter takes a look around his new living room. "A few paintings on the east wall and it will be done". It has been quite some weeks since he had any time to paint, for after all his antics with the royal house months ago his life changed dramatically. A new job as a teacher in a school nearby, and even a job as an architect, had not done anything in the form of tranquility for the young man. His life had been in shambles, and as he went along picking up the pieces, he found that he had no time for his projects. His one painting every day idea had not worked, and although he was annoyed by the fact that it didn't work out, he at least was grateful for all the extra time he had now to spend. After all, two new jobs are not the easiest thing to juggle, especially not when you are terrible at juggling. This did mean disappointing quite a lot of people (or at least a lot of people to this young painter) and himself. Well at least the people were asking about his paintings, which meant a great deal to the painter. He decided to give everyone what they wanted, continue the painting, only not one a day, but instead several a month. This way he would still be painting next to teaching, and would sometimes enjoy some people with his work (at least he would hope so).

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