Thursday 25 November 2010

Fact or Fiction?

Dear Readers,

I understand I have let some of you down in the last couple of weeks or so. The radio silence was so utterly complete that some even believed me to have emigrated to the far regions of Sumatra where others believed me dead. Well that wasn't the case....
Most of you who know me know that I went through a rough spot and that updating this site was the last thing on my mind.
A lot of that has been sorted out and it feels like time to pick up where I left those 36 days ago.
Yes ladies and gentlemen, it has been 36 days of silence on this site (well Vermeer's Birthday being the exception)
I have been taking photos every day for the last month and most are even worthy of putting up here, which is something I will be doing today.
I will be updating as many as I can with no or only some words to keep the photos warm and secure.

All in all, I'm back and from tomorrow on there will be a post every day :D

Cheers for reading my blog...

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