Tuesday 17 September 2013

Agilitas: HS1 - Training - Spikes

So, as I said I was present at a training of our first gents' team. You saw the GIFs, now it is time for the stills. I only got spikes/attacks though seeing that time and space was limited.

Take a look after the jump >>>

Sunday 15 September 2013

Agilitas: A Barbecue for Volunteers

Tonight we (my wife and I) were invited to our volleyball club's annual volunteers barbecue. Naturally I brought my camera (nerdfact D700 + 50mm 1.4) and took some photos. Earlier today I was also asked to take some photos over the coming months to put on the website (and stuff) and what better moment to start, right?
For today: Atmosphere/Groups
For later this week: Portraits/Close-ups

Friday 6 September 2013

Agilitas HS1: Volleyball GIFs

I went over yesterday to take some photos of one of the teams. A men's team this time.
Later on I will post some stills, but for now here are some GIF's.
Please leave a comment if you like what you see :)

Click below to jump to the GIFs >>>

Tuesday 27 November 2012

Agilitas DS2

It has been some time since I shot a volleyball team, but a couple of days ago I did. Seeing that my own camera is a wonderful piece of equipment from the prehistoric age I needed to borrow a camera. And so I did, a D7000 from work and a couple of lenses. It was an eye-opener to be sure (for I finally could shoot anything above 400 ISO without being hit in the face by blinding roughness), but I reckon that most of you aren't here for my talk about photography and stuff. Anywho.... Just click on the jump below and take a look. And if you find it that you like the photos then please leave a comment in the comment section below.

Jump >>>

Thursday 27 September 2012


On our trip (me and my fiancee, not the proverbial I want to sound important on the internet 'we') through Australia we came across a couple of old, rusty cars. Still sleepy from the long trip on the bus I decided to get the camera out and take a few photos.
Black and white, and colour was what I used for these.

Just a quickie today!

Read on after the jump >>>

Tuesday 25 September 2012

Mavica or How to Sell your Product on eBay or Marktplaats

Today I had some free time waiting for the Oxfam guys to come pick up a sleeping couch we wanted to get rid off. I always prefer giving to them to simply throwing out. But hey, that's not for now. As I wrote last time I have started working at a photography school and I was talking to my colleague about my old Mavica that's lying around our place and I decided to put it on here. Seeing that the photos tie in nicely with product photography I'm talking about that as well. Just have a quick read about the old beast right after the jump >>>

Friday 21 September 2012

Studio at Work

As some of you might know I have recently started teaching English at a photography & videography school. You can imagine that it feels as if I've died and gone to heaven. It is the perfect mix for me!
Working here is tough at times, but it is fun above all. And lets be honest, it has some perks as well. These perks include being around photographers all day and feeling inspired by them, but another is the studio for sure. We have several studios on the site with all the lights, shapers, paper, generators and models you can wish for. And if no model presents itself, well then you simply force one of your pupils ;) In this set of photos you can see what an hour of quick studio time brings a photography student and an English teacher!
NB Mind you, all these photos are straight out of camera, no post has been done (yet)
Jump >>>

Wednesday 11 July 2012

Oz Photos

And some more :)