Tuesday 27 November 2012

Agilitas DS2

It has been some time since I shot a volleyball team, but a couple of days ago I did. Seeing that my own camera is a wonderful piece of equipment from the prehistoric age I needed to borrow a camera. And so I did, a D7000 from work and a couple of lenses. It was an eye-opener to be sure (for I finally could shoot anything above 400 ISO without being hit in the face by blinding roughness), but I reckon that most of you aren't here for my talk about photography and stuff. Anywho.... Just click on the jump below and take a look. And if you find it that you like the photos then please leave a comment in the comment section below.

Jump >>>

Well most of the photos are of the girls standing on the court, and that is for two reasons. One, I like portraiture better than action, and Two, the surroundings of the hall are quite bad when it comes to looks.

You can click on the photos to see them at full size.

The one to the left is actually a fault by the other team, but it looks nice :)

One of the younger girls playing mid to the right awaiting the serve.

 One of the outside hitters about to pass.

That same outside hitter blocking the ball (and the ref of course)
Blocked and owned.

Serve by one of the outside hitters.

A concentrating opposite hitter.
Well, it looks as if she is sticking out her tongue at them, but she is simply licking her lips (yeah right ;) )
Pass by a mid.

Pass by the outside hitter.

Serve of one of the setters.
Same setter at the net.
Change of the guard. Setters changing.


  1. Gave foto's (al blijven eigen actiefoto's altijd even wennen ;)), leuk!
    Groetjes Marloes

  2. Thanks :) Ja kan ik mij voorstellen... Ach ook leuk om eens te zien lijkt mij toch ;)

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