More after the jump as usual :)
This 'shoot' was a no brainer when it came to tech, the idea though came from a friend when I asked her help on an idea for a pic of the day (thanks *kind smile*). My process was as follows:
- Get an idea --> Check
- Work out that idea --> I grabbed everything that I have on the coffee table when I feel illish
- Put everything together in a bunch on a moddeling table --> my desk with a A3 size sheet of paper
- Get out a flash and think of a simple, but interesting way of lighting this --> gridspot
Press Pause
And here we take a break for a few seconds to explain what a gridspot is and how I came up with the idea for it. A gridspot in general is a light modifier you put in front of the flash that really binds the light to a single beam. So instead of having the light spread all around which normally is quite handy, you now get a focussed beam of light on the subject(s). Gridspots are illusive to me in a way. I can use them really easily to highlight a specific area on a bigger subject, but when placed on a smaller object it almost always generates something cool! In a way you can say that I know how to use it. Light something small, use a gridspot and you'll get something cool! I wish that everything worked like that. When I back-engineer (take the end product and work your way through the steps that were necessary to create the look) the photo I easily get what happens, and that is good, because now I can consciencely use it in another photo.
Press play

- Reposition --> Change anything you don't like. As it turned out I used a lot less stuff then I was planning on because of the testshots, which I really liked on both the artistic level and the tech level
- Take the shots --> Now you are satisfied with everything and can start taking the shots that will land you the right one.
- PostProd/DoubtDoubtDoubt --> Now I am in post production and I realise that not eveything looks the way I wanted it or simply that I can't choose. It's absolutely ridiculous how much you have to choose when you are a photographer. And as usual I couldn't make the choice myself, so I am asking you.
What photo do you like best? Whys are welcome but not obligatory ;)
The differences are really subtle though, so pay extra good attention as you go over them.
Thanks again
The thing I like about the first one is that the pills are still there: It is a better picture of 'feeling ill'.
ReplyDeleteBut overall, I like the third one most, because it's a little brighter I think.
Tip: Maybe you could (have done) something with the spoon in the tea? If you look at a spoon (or any other object) in water from above the water, the light breaks so it seems crooked, if you know what I mean. You probably should be able emphasize that in a photograph.