Tuesday 12 July 2011

Antwerp - Teachers and Hipsta

Hello All.
After two weeks of absence I am back again with some nice shots of Antwerp, Belgium.
Me and all my fellow teachers of UC (the school I taught at until recently) went out for a trip to Antwerp and we had a great time, great beer and above all, Great Weather.
Next to all the rolls of film I shot I also shot some hipstamatic :)

Read on after the jump >>>

Like I mentioned earlier we all went out to Antwerp. The thing is that I have about 180-200 colleagues of whom 121 went along for the trip to Antwerp. That is a rather large group as you can imagine, but everything went alright. Well most of it, but I won't comment on that on this blog (you know who you are ;) )


Firstly we went to the Harbour, and to me this meant gruffy old men, boats, ships, ropes and a million wonderful photo opportunities. Sadly we saw nothing of that... We instead got a virtual tour of it all. On the bright side we did get to play with a lot of toys, such as a crane simulator and a ship simulator and stuff like that.
Ah well. Fun was had by all!

The feet

As some of you may have noticed I am somewhat obsessed by feet. Or more specifically, my own two feet. Everywhere I go I take photos of my own two feet usually while I am standing, but sometimes even when I am lying down. Yes ladies and gentlemen, I am a versatile photographer ;). Maybe it's because I have had such problems finding shoes all my life that I now pay more attention to them. Or maybe they're just to big to ignore. No matter the reason, I can't go anywhere with a camera without snapping one of my feet. (note to self: Find all the shots you ever took of your feet) Even in my photobook I have several photos of my feet...

The Streets

Another thing I am fascinated with is street photography. Normally this means taking photos in the streets of what happens on the pavements. In my case  this means photographing the pavement. I find it a most interesting to see all the different and often worn pavements of a city. The stones that have seen billions and billions of people pass over them, which, in its turn has given the pavement that look.

The Rest

Like I quickly mentioned before, I took rolls of film with me and shot most of it. I'm picking that up today, and am really curious about the results. I haven't been shooting film that long, but am starting to get the hang of it. And to be honest, between great sunny weather and being in a photogenic city like Antwerp, you really can't go wrong with film... I have promised you some shots of film I took recently, but because of me moving house and all I can't get to my film scanner. Hopefully soon!

Enjoy the rest of the photos below, and drop a line in the comment section below.


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