Wednesday 29 June 2011

Photo Book

A couple of weeks ago I made a book. Weird to say made, but "wrote" isn't really the correct word for it. I could say "I shot, compiled and put in order" a book. Well, this isn't really the place for semantics, but you'll probably get my drift..
The book is compiled of photos I took exclusively with my iPhone, and better yet, Hipstamatic...

Want to find out more?

Read on after the jump >>>

You all probably know how big of a fan I am of Hipstamatic, the look it brings and the freedom having no settings to change brings. I decided to put them together in a book and it describes all the things I take photos of during a week.

Here you can read the inside of the book cover (the flap) which describes the essence and thought behind the book.

"What exactly is digital photography? To be honest, I don't believe it exists. There is no such thing as a digital photographer, you are either a photographer or you are not. It makes absolutely no difference whether you shoot on a Nikon D4, Nikon F55, a Holga, a Diana or a large-format bellows camera. You take the photo, not the top-of-the-line digital camera or the plastic 120 roll film camera.

This might just be why I believe that the new apps such as Hipstamatic, Swankolab and Instagram are such a perfect way to show this.

These apps fake the looks of the olden days in a pocket-size digital camera on which you can make absolute no setting changes. This makes it all about what you think is a great photo and not about technical skill. All this might explain the title of the book, digitalphotography?, in which the question mark plays an important role.

This all might just be photography pur sang, but about that I am not quite sure..."

Below you can take a quick look at the book (an excerpt at least).
If you decide you want it and you want to order you can go to...

Have fun and hope to hear from you al..


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