As Bishop was looking out of his airplane window he could not help but wonder at the efficiency with which this all has been arranged for them. Within a mere ten hours from the moment the beautiful blonde walked in the door they were now sitting in a row of three off to the wilds of Borneo. And first class at that. The thing he noticed when he switched his conversation from Ludwich to the girl is that she wasn't a real blonde at all and decided to inquire about it.
Read on after the jump >>>

She told him that she had just come back from a 8 month stay in Australia and that her natural auburn had turned a pale-golden blonde in the unforgiving equatorial sun. He pictured her a brunette and could not help but frame her in his mind. He sure had some ideas for a photo shoot with this girl. If one thing could be said about this girl is that she was a tough as she was beautiful. Roselyn Ravenhill was her name and she had indeed seen the world. And as she pondered about the look in Bishop's eyes she began to drift back to where she had started out. A young Dutch girl with a medical degree wanting to see the world. Little did she know at the time that she would be sitting here today with these two men of to yet another end of the world. Ah well, she could always settle down and become a doctor if she chose to, she would probably never have this chance ever again. Seeing that they had still a long flight ahead of them, both Ludwich and Bishop decided it was a good a time as ever to start planning their work. The three of them started on a long talk regarding what they were to expect and what was expected of them. Photos of course, but seeing that these were lands unexplored by men it was difficult to plan ahead. It soon was made clear that miss Roselyn was there to help them in any way possible. She spoke several languages fluently, including French, German, English and Dutch, and had a working knowledge in Aborigine, Thai, Indonesian and Malay to an extent. This would certainly come in useful. Bishop himself picked up language easily enough, but this was just great. They would start in the city of Kota Kinabalu and work their way land inwards into the jungles of Borneo. It was once said that a orangutan could cross from south to north without ever touching the earth on which stood the trees from which he swung. They would be there to capture wildlife on film and report back to Life and National Geographic with the results. After a long deliberation on the merits of their work they decided to grab some sleep and not long after waking up they were ready to land in Kota Kinabalu....
More to come
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