I dropped off the not yet printed film roll at my (very) local photo store and they have given me the best news this week: They can print it!!
Which means, that what is supposed to be me best roll, will in fact be up very soon. Coming Wednesday I will pick up the prints and hopefully put them up on Thursday morning.
In the meanwhile I will be showing you some pics I took of my friends.
Have fun!
Read on after the jump >>>>
As I was telling you earlier, we had some pretty good times in France with all the food and wine and what not! But if there is one thing that makes a brilliant dinner table even better it simply has to be good company. Next to my amazing girlfriend we had friends staying in the area with whom we often shared a good bottle of wine. One day the four of us went out to walk the "reversed-bath-tub-hike" out to one of the more idyllic spots of France. There is a mountain stream that runs down a long way into a valley, but on the way the stream was held up in hundreds of little pools (bath tubs). We ended up at one, got out the swim clothing and after a few dives in the cool mountain water I took out my Diana to take some photos.
The photo to the left is of Yalmar and is one of the photos I like best. The moment I took this was right after he had given me his most "randy/weird/ridiculous" look he could. I often ask people to give me such a look for two reasons. People who are somewhat camera shy (Yal, you know I think you're great, but you were a bit camera shy at first) like my friend here often think they're not photogenic so I try to lure them out with something ridiculous so they believe the photo will fail or at least they can't look as bad in a normal pic as the they will now. Little do they know that those are often the very best photos which makes up my second reason. Like I said, this photo was of Yal feeling relaxed after his first ridic shot. Which BTW I am saving until tomorrow ;)

And to finish up this post I want to emphasize that good company leads to good dinners, but also leads to great photos.
I hope you like the photos I've posted today!
In any case I like them very much, and next to having great photos I think back to that day with fondness.
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