Day 1 has started and the first photo is in.
I was busy revising (dutch: studeren) for my didactics class tomorrow and I thought how great it would be if the sun would come shining in through the window.
So I grabbed my camera and decided to shoot off a few pics...
More after the jump
Sadly that didn't happen because nature seldomly lets us have the weather we want. Luckily there is a way to cheat nature when it comes to photography, we use flash! I use a lot of flash in my photos and simply love the idea that you can create the picture you want in a totally inhospitable (at least when it comes to the shot you want) location. You can create darkness out of bright sunlight, and bright sunlight out of darkness.
The thing I did here was to simulate the late afternoon sun with an orange coloured flash behind the screen (Full CTO on 1/4 power) and shot a 1/4 powered flash up at the ceiling for a broad light.

Well I know this isn't my best shot, and probably not the best of starts, but I really felt I had to start today, otherwise nothing would come of the project.
So, I have to get back to revising and I hope you will enjoy the photo (and maybe even comment on it).
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